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Introducing our Business Development Manager

Meet Florence, our new Business Development Management...
Sean QuinnPosted on Friday, January 20th 2023

This week we welcomed a new member to the TimeKeeper team. Florence will be joining us as our new Business Development Manager, to help even more businesses save time and money with TimeKeeper. We asked her a few questions to get to know her...

What are you most passionate about?

Dinner Parties, I love hosting and being hosted. I like the organising before and how the evening can go in an unexpected direction depending on the different personalities at the table.

If you had to rewatch a movie every day, which movie would you pick?

The first Austin Powers movie. I will never not laugh at Mike Myers absurd humour.

Which country is on the top of your travel bucket list?

Thailand or Vietnam - I would love to do a cookery course in either country, I also like the heat.

Tell us a fun fact that people would not know about you

I have taken part in an eating contest - New York, Little Italy summer of 2013,  I was working in a restaurant called Puglias on the strip.  One Saturday a competition was set up on the “sidewalk” and local staff were asked to partake. A crowd of New Yorkers, tourists and two friends from home looked on as I stuffed spaghetti Marinara into my mouth. The commentator dubbed me the ‘Florence, the Underdog the, Queen of Little Italy.’ A group of New York Ladies chanted my name repeatedly and their support helped me to eat the first three plates before anyone else, the more experienced eaters paced themselves, and shamefully I placed last. I was sick afterwards. My Long Island boss Joey was pleased with the publicity and gave me $100 for my efforts.

What 3 things would you take to a desert island?


The complete series of Harry Potter audiobook narrated by Stephen Fry

A mosquito net  

If you had a dinner party, which three guests would you invite, either alive or dead?

Richard E Grant, I recently listened to a podcast with Mr Grant and I really liked how he could switch between whimsy and sincere, insightful conversation almost in the same breath.

Stanley Tucci, I don’t like martinis, but I think I would like to get to like them with Stanley. He would have good anecdotes but also know when to let others have their spot in the limelight which is extremely important at dinner parties.

Miriam Margoyles, for the absolute shock factor and chaos she would provide. I do however think that while I could put the other two up for a few nights, Miriam would be best for the dinner alone.  

What are you most excited about in your new role?

I am excited about finding new industries that can use our software to help their business. I think I will bring a different dynamic to the company. I like asking questions that other people don't think of and I think this can help in getting more quickly to the heart of issues and a good way of demonstrating how our product will suit them.

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