Ditch your manual
staff rota today
Still using manual staff rotas in 2025? Maybe you are tired of answering questions like "When am I working this week?" or making changes to a messy print out rota.
With TimeKeeper, you can plan your staff rota online while employees can check when they are working at anytime.
Employees know when they are expected to work
Although a manual shift rota is easy to change, it's very difficult to keep employees up to date when they are expected to attend work.
With TimeKeeper, employees can view their upcoming shifts at any time on the TimeKeeper mobile app.
Additionally, any time a change is made to that employees' schedule, we will send them a push notification to keep them updated.

Easy to learn and simple to schedule
The rota planner has been designed to make common everyday tasks a breeze. For example, if you need to change a shift to another employee, simply drag that shift across to the right employee!
Perhaps an employee is booked off on leave? Well in TimeKeeper we highlight any days they are off so you know that they aren't available.
Or maybe you want to start with last week's rota? Well simply click a button to copy from one week to another in an instant.

Rota + Timesheets + Leave = ♡
Rota planning is only the start, once they are scheduled to work, how do you know they turned up on time and how long each employee has worked?
Luckily TimeKeeper has all the other features you might need including an employee time clock, tracking employee leave, managing employee documents and much more. The best thing being that this all comes in one simple price per employee for all features, what's not to love!

Start your first paperless
shift rota now!
Use Cases
© 2025 TimeKeeper is a trading name of Artificialdev Ltd. All rights reserved.
Built in Belfast, N.Ireland. Company Number: NI647093, VAT Number: GB337245501